вторник, 26 декабря 2017 г.

Cloze Reading Inanimate Alice

Попробуем сделать свой собственный вариант интерпретации ключевых фрагментов эпизода Inanimate Alice: Russia. Выберите наиболее яркие или значимые вербальные (текст) и,  сопутствующие им, невербальные (звук, изображения) компоненты повествования, разместите их в левом столбце Close Reading Log. В правой части таблицы разместите Вашу интерпретацию описанного повествовательного события и значение невербальных компонентов в выбранном Вами фрагменте. Всего должно быть выбрано 5 повествовательных компонентов и выполнено 5 интерпретаций соответственно.  Задание может быть выполнено на русском или на английском языке. Максимально за выполненное в срок задание можно получить – 5 баллов, минимально – 3 балла. Выполненные задания необходимо разместить в разделе комментарии к данному сообщению блога. 

Close Reading Log

Alice is 13 years old.
There is an image of a doll.
The music speeds up.
She’s a teenager but maybe a lonely as she still
likes to play with dolls. The speed of the music
suggests there will be some action soon.




Возможные варианты фрагментов Inanimate Alice: Russia для интерпретации

  1. It is dark in the apartment.
Alice and her mother are alone.
The sound of front door opening appeared.

  1. Alice is in the closet.
Men argue with her dad.
Silence. Darkness.

  1. Alice is about to enroll to school.
School is crowded with kids.
Alice has never been to school.

  1. Alice's dad came home early.
Alice is not going to school
Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared

  1. Car stopped before the check-point.
Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
He took a closer look at Alice.

58 комментариев:

  1. 1 Introduction.

    Alice is 13 years old.
    There is an image of a doll.
    The music speeds up.

    She’s a teenager but maybe a lonely as she still likes to play with dolls. The speed of the music.
    suggests there will be some action soon.

    2 Alice is in the closet.

    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    The voices of the speakers are very rough and sharp.
    We can not see what is happening in the room.

    Something serious happens in the room and parents want to protect the child from this, it's clear that this girl's parents have some serious problems.

    3 The work of Alice's father

    Alice's father works in Siberia, there are oil rigs on the picture, also we can see one of the rooms of this apartment

    The room is furnished quite well and we can guess that they have a fairly good income. Her father's work is pretty serious and we can conclude why we heard a scolding before that

    4 Alice's dad came home early.

    Alice is not going to school
    Dad said that he was afraid that she would be kidnapped
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared

    The atmosphere in the family is very tense. Judging by the picture now we can accurately conclude that the father  has problems with bandits
    something terrible can happen

    5 leaving the apartment

    Mom very quickly collects things and, dad tells his wife that if they stay, they will lose everything
    Very intense music is playing

    Everything went very badly, as they decide to leave the apartment with stuffed money and go as fast as possible to the airport

    Колобов Егор ИЯ-56

  2. 1. Alice is hiding in the big closet in her bedroom. Music is intriguing and tense.
    Something is wrong, there is a danger outside.
    2. She tells she got almost used to it. The closet is kind of cosy, and she has her player with her.
    It is already a usual thing for Alice, she feels safe in the closet with her «friend» Brad, who is smiling from the player and comforting Alice.
    3. Parents never argued before, but now it’s their hobby.
    Alice had loving and caring family, but something went wrong when a problem appeared. Now her parents quarrel all the time. She got used to it, and even says about it in a funny and ironic way.
    4. Тhe apartment is dark and gloomy. She has the Matryoshka game to keep her entertained.
    The game is her only joy because she doesn’t go to school and feels bored and lonely.
    5. Alice doesn’t feel cosy any more. There is a complete darkness. Silence outside the closet. Absence of music tells that there will be a plot twist.
    Alice doesn’t know what is happening to her parents and it makes her feel uncomfortable and scared.
    Садовникова Марина, ИЯ-56

  3. Этот комментарий был удален автором.


    1. Алиса прячется в стенном шкафу. Она слышит голоса мужчин, которые спорят с ее отцом. Выделяется голос ее матери, которая кричит. Музыка хаотично перемешивается с голосами. Темнота.
    Интерпретация: эта сцена задаёт настроение всему эпизоду, является стартовой точкой неприятностей семьи Алисы. Ее мать, как и сама Алиса, является заложником ситуации и ничего не может с этим поделать. Сцена показывает, что вся семья зависит от отца, от решений, которые он принимает, от его работы.
    2. Алиса знакомит нас с игровой приставкой и Бредом-компьютерной программе в виде мальчика. На экране появляется интерактивное изображение приставки, на которой появляется рисунок мальчика и девочки. Затем мы видим мальчика, который ездит на скейтборде по экрану.
    Интерпретация: Алисе очень одиноко, поэтому она создаёт себе виртуального друга и наделяет его качествами реального человека. На рисунке девочкой является сама Алиса. Мальчик на скейтборде-Бред, скейтборд внушает иллюзию, будто он настоящий человек со своими увлечениями.
    3. Алиса говорит, что она в Москве уже пару лет. Мы видим изображения Москвы в мрачных тонах, которые сменяют друг друга.
    Интерпретация: если судить по видеоряду, Москва для Алисы это серое и мрачное место, которое давит на неё массивом своих зданий. В Москве Алиса сравнительно недавно, и ещё не успела привыкнуть к этому городу.
    4. Алиса рассказывает о школе, в которой она собирается учиться. Мы видим здание школы солнечным днём, музыка становится веселее и громче. На экране появляется множество анимированных фотокарточек с изображением моментов школьной жизни, на которых запечатлены преимущественно мальчики.
    Интерпретация: в отличие от картин Москвы, школа в глазах Алисы выглядит более веселой и яркой. У Алисы нет опыта общения со сверстниками, Бред ее единственный друг, поэтому обилие школьников ее напугало. Мальчики ей вообще кажутся 'инопланетными гостями'
    5. Отец рассказывает ей об истинной причине, почему она не может пойти в школу- детей похищают. На экране появляется красный силуэт мужчины с пистолетом, музыка становится похожей на выстрелы.
    Интерпретация: своего рода переломный момент, который разрушает светлые мечты Алисы о нормальной жизни. Красный цвет-символ опасности. Мы не видим черт лица мужчины, а лишь его силуэт, что показывает абстрактность преступника-им может оказаться кто угодно.


    1) Alice tells about her life in Moscow. Pictures of the city are dark and grey and we can hear the sounds of rain.

    Alice doesn’t like a city at all, her life there seems grey and boring to her.
    2) Alice tells about her apartment. She tells about “dirty windows” and “decrepit” apartment and we can see the pictures of pretty strictly designed apartment.

    Alice hates the apartment she lives in. She even doesn’t associate it with home because the apartment isn’t cozy and the apartment shown on the pictures rather looks like museum than home.
    3) Alice describes the school she were to attend. We can see photos and videos rapidly changing. Music becomes faster and more energetic.

    The photos and videos are rapidly changing, if it would be her memories I’d say she’s rather fascinated about the school. She is also stress the presence of the boys at school, which means that she didn’t get used to talk to somebody of the opposite gender or she’s really shy person.
    4) Alice leaves the apartment with parents. The music is really fast. Alice seems not to be surprised that much.

    That means that some action is to happen. Judging by the music, something urgent or extremely bad. But Alice get used to move from one city to another fastly.
    5) Alice is asked to show her player, Brad appears on the screen. There’s no music, only sharp and loud noise at some moments.

    Alice isn’t supported by her parents in that case, and the only person who supports her is her imaginable friend Brad. Perhaps she created him because the distance between her and her parents is far too big. That proves that she’s lonely one more time. Every time there’s a danger we can hear sharp and loud noise which means that it’s very hard to focus for Alice and she worries a lot.

  6. 1)Alice is hiding in the closet. She hears loud voices of men. The music is upbeat and sounds quite frightening so it can suggest that something bad is about to happen. Also the room is portrayed very dark so the events that will take place will likely be dramatic.

    2)Alice and her parents' apartment. The house looks dark and gloomy and Alice says that Ming likes it this way, however never states that she likes it because most likely she doesn't. Moscow is not shown in positive light, we only see depressing views with equally depressing weather. From this it's probable that Alice doesn't have any good feelings relating to this city. Moreover, the apartment is quite large and the window in Alice's room looks out on some historical bulding - a church. Therefore, we can assume that John makes very good money in Siberia and it's likely that either his job is somewhat illegal or has numerous responsibilities. Also, We don't see any decoration or personal items in Alice's room so it can suggest she never feels at home here.

    3)Alice went to the international school to take a look at it. The school itself is shown in bright colors(for the first time during the episode in Russia, however the school kids have unclear features, and the animations of school events are somewhat rushed. It could have been done to show that Alice sees school as something new and positive in her routine everyday life but since previously she hadn't had any school experience and hadn't made any friends with her peers, the animations are darker than the previous picture of the school. The kids look like dark shadows maybe because Alice got scared being surrounded by so many children, especially boys who make Alice nervous.

    4)Alice and her parents rush out of the flat in an attempt to flee Moscow.
    The music is very dynamic to show how rushed their escape is and that they have no time to take everything they want.Once they are on the way, the pictures of the scenery change very rapidly to show the hurry, But as is the case for the most of the episode, the pictures are dark and gloomy so the viewer can guess that the following events will be bad and maybe even dangerous.

    5)At the checkpoint. The music is menacing and dynamic with some indecypherable words which in my opinion are adrenaline-inducing and scary because the viewer can't distinguish them. The shot is positioned in a way that we can see the glowing lights ahead of the fence with the guard. These glowing lights can symbolize the better future. The flash of the tourch adds to the pressing atmosphere of the scene and feels like a direct attack. We don't see the guard's face because he's just a part of this whole repressive system that Alice and her family have encountered.

    Чигарева Мария, ИЯ-56

  7. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  8. 1. It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.

    It's night now, the light in the room is off, maybe Alice was going to sleep. We can see that Alice’s father has not come home from work yet. Someone knocked at the door and entered.

    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.

    It’s obvious that Alice’s mom said her to hide. We do not see what is happening in the room, but we can hear rough voices of men and the mom’s loudest. Alice is very scared, but she comforted by Brad from her phone.

    3. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    Alice really wants to go to school, the photos and videos of school and children are rapidly changing, as if it would be memories her vision of school. She notices that there are too many kids and especially boys, but we do not quite understand her attitude towards them, it is probably stressful for her, from this we can propose that she didn’t get used to talk to them.

    4. Alice describes their apartment and their leaving.

    Her room is large, there are “big dirty windows” and we can see the location of the rooms in the designed apartment. Alice doesn’t like the apartment she lives in. She leaves the apartment with parents. For her moving in is a matter of habit, because of troubles at dad’s work, they often have to move. The music shows that something bad happens, it's like a race.

    5. Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    It seems strange that the family rides on the car to the plane, Alice's mom begins to worry when the guard looks so long at her daughter. The music continues to escalate the situation by its quickness and obscure words. Perhaps they were worried due to the fact that they are foreigners they cannot be led, but guard can bring some information about them. When the guard asks the player, Alice is not afraid and boldly says that she will not give it. Maybe that is the only thing that she always takes in each resettlement and is ready to «fight» for it.



    1. It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.

    Interpretation: It’s already late at night. Maybe Alice is going to sleep. Alice’s dad isn’t at home. And someone came to them.

    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.

    Interpretation: Alice feels danger, she’s afraid of men. Alice guesses about problems in dad’s job. Silence and darkness reflect future troubles in life of this family.

    3. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    Interpretation: New period in Alice’s life begins. She wants to go to new school, to meet many new friends. But there is an episode where photos with boys and school are represented. Music reflects Alice’s excitement, because it’s her first days at school.

    4. Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared

    Interpretation: The situation at the work of Alice’s dad is heating up. And dad worries about Alice’s life, so he doesn’t want her to attend the school. Awful sounds reflect an awful atmosphere.

    5. Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    Interpretation: Alice’s family decides to leave the town. Mom feels danger and worries that they can’t be led to go. Also she worries about her daughter, because the guard started to speak with Alice. But Alice seems to be calm.


    1. There`s the darkness in the room and nobody is at home but Alice and her mother. It`s night already and Alice was about to go to sleep. Sometime later we can hear the door opening. The atmosphere feels quite tense but generally quiet.

    2. Alice is hiding in the closet, the place which should protect her and make her feel save and calm. There`re some men outside the closet arguing with her dad. Judging by the description we understand that something serious happened and now parents try to solve the problem without Alice`s involving.

    3. The girl thinks about her going to school for the very first time. She is homeschooled and that`s why she waits for it so much. The school is an opportunity for her to find some friends, what`s so important for a teenager, and to communicate with somebody else beyond her family.

    4. Alice`s father came home early and it make her understand that something is wrong. He told her about her continuing homeschooling and the girl was incredibly upset. At this moment the picture became darker to let us feel her attitude to the situation. Later here appeared sounds of shooting and crashing which indicate the imminent plot twist.

    5. Alice and her parents have to run away. Later they were stopped by armed guards for a check. One of them decided to take a closer look to Alice and to the player she held. This scene let us understand how important is this player for girl because it`s her only joy and there`s her only «friend» called Brad. Here we clearly see how lonely she is and how much she appreciates so called friendship even if it`s virtual.

  11. 1 Alice is hiding in the big closet in her bedroom. Her mother told her to hide when they heard the knock on the door. His father is speaking with the man. At the beginning music was quiet, with time it started to get louder and faster.
    Alice felt danger and anxiety, it becomes clear with help of music. Her father in troubles, we can hear that the man's voice sounded rude and menacing.
    2 Alice talks about her life in Moscow. This episode shows the views of Russia.
    Russia through the eyes of Alice does not look friendly. The graphic elements with which Russia is shown, don’t look happy and safe.
    3 Alice talks about her school. Music doesn’t sound threatening, it sounds more optimistic. There are pictures from the school of Alice.
    Alice never went to school, for her it's an interesting new experience. She didn't feel something bad or sad. Music is dynamic, not frightening. She believed that she can be the same child as everyone else.
    4 Alice’s father forbids her to go to school because of kidnapping. A red silhouette of a man with a gun appears. Music again sounds anxiously.
    Alice is lonely teenager, she knows that school is important for her, and she tried to persuade her father. A red silhouette of a man illustrates father's words about kidnapping. Then music stopped and their dispute too.
    5 Alice's mother told her to hide in the closet again. She hears nothing and suddenly the closet doors opened with a terrible scream. Music became fast and dynamic.
    Silence meant that the action develops slowly, but will soon resume with renewed vigor. And really, after a couple of moments the music became fast and dynamic, which means that the action begins - the story's heroes escape.

    Котлова Виктория ИЯ-52

  12. 1. A dynamic minor music plays with anxious singing on the background. A strong feeling that something’s going wrong. Alice & her mom home alone. Her dad is usually away. Alice herself finds their flat rather depressive and it doesn’t seem she considers it as her home.
    2. Same melody keeps playing. We hear somebody to knock their door. Alice’s mom told her to hide in the closet. Some men shout. Alice tells she’s got used to sit in the closet & finds it sort of cosy. Alice tries to occupy herself with her player. Tells about her friend Brad, an imaginary person in her player, the only friend she has. She’s fine with it but dark closet and music tells there’s nothing wrong with it. She’s lonely and has got a weird life which always forces her to hide & play with an imaginary friend.
    3. We see a weird visional effect that doesn’t allow us to see faces but silhouettes only. The music is brighter than in other scenes which may show that school was something nice for Alice. The main character highlights that though kids hate school she loved it because she never went to school because her family & she was always changing places of their living due to parents' work and Alice was homeschooling. So school made her feel normal. And she saw boys there, it was unusual for her as well.
    4. Same anxious melody starts to play again. Her dad is talking to her mom, they argue that Alice must forsake school. Alice was against but her dad tried to assure her and dropped in that there was some problems with kidnapping. Then we can hear to car appearing sounds. Alice remarks that in any case she still has her player, in which her imaginary friend lives and entertains her.
    It turns out later that there was some kind of leak and her parents were into troubles if they wouldn't leave Russia. Somebody came to their home & we can hear voices again. Alice was forced to get into closet again, but she doesn’t feel cosy there anymore. Music finally stops and Alice gets scared. Loud scream and more dynamic music starts to play. They’re leaving.
    5. They want to get bribe but the family has little of cash. Guard stares at Alice and directs a flashlight on her face. It turns out he wants to get her player but Alice attached to it because of Brad. After a little while Alice shows the guard the dolls she have collected in a game on the player he smiles and gives them to get to the airplane and they fly away.
    Выполнила: Макеева Саша, ИЯ-52.

    1. It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.

    It’s supposed a late night. They don’t know who is coming, because Alice’s dad is at work now. The atmosphere is really taut, but it’s quiet everywhere.

    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.

    Alice is very scared, because she cannot recognize words and voices of these men. She understands that her father has some problems and therefore their family has problems too. The silence injects the atmosphere of this scene.

    3. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    Alice wants to go to school, she wants to meet new friends and becomes more sociable. But she scared about a lot of kids, especially boys. There are some pictures and fast music to show her attitude.

    4. Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared

    Alice’s dad has some problems at work and he doesn’t want to endanger her. There is kind of tense music to illustrate the tense atmosphere.

    5. Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    They leave Russia to hide somewhere else. Alice is quite happy, because she doesn’t like this country. Her mum is worry. But Alice is calm, she speaks with a guard with strict confident voice.

    1. It seemed like it was already past midnight. Alice and her mother are going to sleep. But her father hasn't returned home yet. Later we can hear that the door opened and the atmosphere has become quite tense.

    2.Alice hides in her closet when a men argues with her father. Something terrible happened and maybe her mother doesn't want her to see what was happening. Alice is nervous but feel safe when she sits in her closet.

    3.Alice truly wants to go to school. She always studied at home that's why she hasn't got many friends. But this is extremely stressful for her to communicate with other teenagers.

    4. Alice's dad came early and it could only mean one thing : something bad happened. Father told her that she wouldn't go to school, Alice upset and the picture became dark. Later we hear sounds of shooting and cars crashing.

    5. Alice's parents decide to leave the town but we don't know why. Her mother feels worries about her, when the armed guard took a close look at Alice and started to talk to her.

  15. 1)It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.
    Interpretation: The darkness and the sounds of opening the door create tension. Tense music adds a sense of fear. Alice feels herself like a helpless frightened child

    2)Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    Interpretation: The tension continues to grow. But at the same time, there is interest who is the man arguing with her father. And all of a sudden, it's not clear why, all this is interrupted and there comes a silence.

    3)Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.
    Interpretation: Alice has a desire to go to school, but she has never been there. Being in society, especially in a crowd of children is a huge stress for her and fast music shows it.This is a test for her.

    4)Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared
    Interpretation: Alice`s dad came earlier for some reason. Alice will not go to school anymore. Her hopes are broken. It is colorfully shown by sounds

    5)Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.
    Interpretation: The family leave the country and Alice is happy because she does not like this country, only fears and disappointments are waiting for her there. But not everything is so simple. Alice drew the attention of the armed guard and started to talk with her.


    1.It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.
    Interpretation: it seems like it is a late night, the room is dark. Alice and her mother are alone , her father is not at home. Later we can hear that the door opened and someone has come. The atmosphere become tense. Music adds a sense of anxiety.

    2.Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    Interpretation: the tension continues to grow. Alice hides in the closet and does not know what is happening in the room. We hear the rude voices of men who argue with her father. It is likely that the family has very serious problems. Alice is frightened, but feels safe when sitting in the closet. The only her sedation in this situation is her player. Disputes and disturbing music abruptly break off and silence sets in.

    3.Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.
    Interpretation: Alice wants to go to school. She wants to make new friends, but she is frightened by the fact that there are a lot of boys in school, she probably never contacted them. She never went to school. Schooling is a new stage in her life. Music is dynamic, not negative.

    4.Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared.
    Interpretation: Alice's father came home early, he probably has problems at work. He said that Alice will not go to school anymore, because the children are kidnapped. Alice is upset, her dreams have collapsed. A red silhouette of a man with a gun appears. This adds fear and anxiety to the events that are taking place. After that, we hear terrible sounds of shooting and car crashes. After that silence comes.

    5.Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.
    Interpretation: the family is going to leave Russia. They are stopped by the guards. Alice's mom is worried because the guard began to inspect her daughter and talk to her. Alice does not give her guard a player, it shows us how important this thing is to her. All this is accompanied by disturbing and dynamic music.

    Part 1
    My name is Alice. I’m 13 years old.
    Quick and tense music help us to understand that there is some problem. Alice is just a girl so probably it is about her parents. Background is black.
    Part 2
    Alice is in the closet. Men argue with her dad.
    It is impossible to understand what men are saying but voices are unfriendly and rude. There are somw disagreements. Alice talks about their life in Moscow – city is dark and it keeps raining. We can say she doesn’t enjoy living here. Their apartment is depressing and makes the girl unhappy.
    Part 3
    Alice is about to enroll to school. School is crowded with kids. Alice has never been to school.
    Music is changed. It easier and looks like TV theme song but main nervous theme is still here. Alice is interested in school, she wants to make some real friends. School seems to be fresh and funny.
    Part 4
    Alice's dad came home early. Alice is not going to school.
    Music is changed again. Alice’s dream is over because her father is afraid of kidnapping. Some street sounds are here as well as male armed silhouette too. A lot of red color.
    Part 5
    Silence. Darkness
    It is just black background and nothing else. Alice is scared she doesn’t hear her parents and she doesn’t feel save any more. Silence is a bad sign, we understand that something horrible has happened. Th woman yells and the music speeds up – our characters live the country very fast.

  18. 1.It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.
    Interpretation: The music and the gloominess of the apartment evokes the tension of the readers. There is loneliness, especially noticeable in Alice. Since the player is her only friend, rather the character of the game. Alisa says that the last time when these people came, father was not at home. This proves that the mother and daughter usually live without him.
    2. Alice`s parents and unnamed people stop argue. The door opens. The screen is white. There`s a silence.
    Interpretation: Alice is afraid, she is tense. Scary music and screaming reinforce this feeling. She says that it is cozy in the closet. We can say that she feels safe there. Then all sorts of sounds disappear, the reader involuntarily fears that the parents were killed. Therefore, sharp light scares.
    3. Alice talks about school. Music is dynamic. The pictures appear.
    Interpretation: Alice worries about the school, but it's a pleasant excitement. She wants to go to school, because she spent whole her life on self-education. But she worries about kids, especially about boys. Since before she didn`t communicate with kids. This excitement is transmitted by dynamic music and quickly changing pictures.
    4. Alice describes their apartment. The window is large, but dirty. she shows the scheme of the house.
    Interpretation: The window is surrounded by a frame, then shows the city views. These views are not available to Alice. She's locked up in the apartment, this is her own prison. Therefore, the view from the window as if mocking Alice.
    5. Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.
    Interpretation: After Alice's father managed to overcome several check-points, the reader hopes that they will be lucky. Therefore, when they are detained, it becomes scary. More tension occurs when the guard directs the flashlight to Alice. He sees the player, father and mother shout at Alice, she is ready to go against her parents because of her only friend, the player.
    Межецкая Анастасия ИЯ-56

  19. Выполнила Антоненко Лиза ИЯ-51.
    1) Алиса прячется в шкафу. Слышны голоса мужчин, один из которых ее отец. Они спорят. Обстановка довольно напряженная. Музыка так же указывает на это. Темный фон, полуоткрытые двери шкафа. Алиса боится. Слышен еще голос матери Алисы, она кричит громче остальных. Сцена показывает, что в жизни героини не все так просто и легко.
    2) Алиса достает свой плеер. Устройство приветствует хозяйку, картинки на нем быстро сменяются. Мы видим мальчика и девочку, возможно, это и есть Алиса. Появляется Бред на скейтборде. Он выглядит как обычный мальчик. Алиса любит играть в матрешку. Музыка звучит очень напряженно и нагнетает обстановку. Ребенок предоставлен сам себе. Картинки на плеере быстро сменяются и мешают сконцентрироваться.
    3) Девочка говорит, что ее семья живет в Москве уже несколько лет. Показаны различные пейзажи города. Идет дождь, серые краски, одиночество, никаких людей. Алиса еще не привыкла к городу, он ей не особо нравится. Картины города быстро сменяются, показывая, что в городе нет ничего жизнерадостного и веселого.
    4) Алиса представляет свою квартиру. Показано расположение комнат. Её дом довольно большой. Темный фон и текст говорят о том, что героине не нравится ее дом. Она описывает его унылым и мрачным, абсолютно неуютным. Комната девочки большая, грязные окна показывают темные пейзажи Москвы.
    5) Алиса отправляется в школу. Она очень волнуется, т.к. никогда не училась в школах. Впервые в эпизоде появляется светлая картина школы. Музыка сменяется на подвижную и более оптимистичную. Дорога до школы довольно долгая. Алиса смущена таким количеством ребят, особенно мальчиков. На быстро сменяющихся фотографиях мы видим в основном парней. Девочка немного боится. Слышны голоса учеников, они беззаботны и оптимистичны. Алиса готова учится, даже если остальным детям это не нравится. Аудио сопровождение не несет особой нагрузки, наоборот показывает, что никаких опасностей в школе нет, как видно Алисе. Фон все еще темный, что не дает полностью расслабиться от тревожных мыслей.


    1. It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.
    It’s late. Perhaps Alice is going to sleep. Alice’s dad isn’t at home yet. Someone knocked on the door and came to them.

    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    Alice is frightened. Her father has some problems. The darkness makes Alice unhappy.

    3. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.
    Alice describes the school. We see some photos and videos. Music is fast. Alice has never studied at school before.

    4. Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared
    Alice is not going to school and her parents arguing about it. Her dad worries about Alice’s life. Awful atmosphere.

    5. Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.
    Alice’s family decides to leave the country. The guard started to speak with Alice. Her parents are worried. But Alice looks calm.

  21. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  22. Выполнила Савицкая Нина из ИЯ-51.

    1. ШКАФ
    Зачастую повествование в книгах и играх начинается в открытых локациях или помещениях, более или менее обрисовывающих нам происходящую ситуацию, но здесь мы наблюдаем несколько иное. Закрытое пространство тёмного шкафа открывает первый эпизод, что заставляет нас почувствовать беспокойство, дискомфорт и беспомощность, которые вместе с нами испытывает главная героиня Алиса. Мы не чувствуем себя в безопасности даже когда она приоткрывает дверцы шкафа - там всё ещё более мрачно и пугающе. Сопровождающий саундтрек даёт нам понять, что действие происходит в каком-то городе постсоветского пространства и что этот город чужд главной героине и вызывает у неё страх и ужас. Зловещие голоса мужчин вторят фоновой музыке и делают атмосферу вокруг еще более устрашающей. Алиса заперта в узком пространстве и не способна повлиять ни на что, она - жертва страшных обстоятельств.
    2. ШКОЛА
    Этот эпизод является, пожалуй, самым жизнерадостным во всём повествовании. Приятная, весёлая музыка, детский смех, яркие фотографии - всё это говорит о том, что посещение школы - это мечта Алисы и единственная её возможность выбраться из заточения серого шкафа, окружающих её страхов и постоянных родительских ссор. Важным в понимании героини также является момент с фотокарточками из школы, сопровождаемый комментариями Алисы. Отмечается её любовь к компьютерным технологиям (дома она ограничена лишь её приставкой), недостаток в общении со сверстниками и, что на мой взгляд, самое главное - отсутствие отцовской любви (повышенное внимание к мальчикам в школе).
    Предшествующий эпизод резко перекрывается чёрным фоном, возвращается тревожная музыка, на фоне предыдущей сцены она кажется даже ещё более угрожающей. "Мы никогда не вернёмся..." слышится в песне и перекликается с происходящим. Мы не видим родительских силуэтов и лиц, перед нами только тёмный фон и устрашающая красная фигура, сопровождаемая звуками машин и криков, олицетворяющая "политику запугивания" в воспитании ребенка со стороны отца. Но, может быть, это всё сделано в целях защитить девочку? Или это всё лишь его собственные страхи, проецируемые на ребёнка?
    4. ТИШИНА
    И вновь мы оказываемся в замкнутом пространстве платяного шкафа, утопая в беспомощности и страхе. Глитчевые звуки не просто вызывают тревогу, они буквально сводят с ума. Героиня, и мы вместе с ней, на грани помешательства: она до безумия напугана всепоглощающей тишиной, пребывает в напряжении, ей мерещится её выдуманный друг. Пронзительный крик и белый свет, разрывающий единственное безопасное место, доводят ситуацию до предела. Для героини начинается настоящий кошмар. Теперь её жизнь не будет прежней.
    5. ЭТОТ ТОП
    Этот и последующий эпизоды характеризуется учащённым ритмом. Это прослеживается буквально во всём: в быстро сменяющихся слайдах с изображением помещений, в обрывках фраз, выскакивающих с разных сторон экрана, в случайных предметах, попадающихся на глаза Алисы, ускоренная музыка. Всё говорит о настигающей героев опасности, о спешке, о срочности этого побега и его безвозвратности. То малое, что было дорого ребёнку, останется позади. Алиса - жертва обстоятельств в этом круговороте событий.


    1.It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.

    Тот факт, что в комнате темно, указывает на вечернее или даже ночное время суток. Ощущение темноты наводит на мысли о том, что мама с дочерью чувствуют себя одиноко без отца, возможно они переживают серьёзные проблемы или размышляют о чём-то.
    Звук открывающейся двери указывает на то, что кто-то пришёл и вскоре мы увидим нового героя в этой комнате.

    2.Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.

    Чулан, в котором находится Алиса, снова создаёт ощущение опасности и страха, однако девочка чувствует себя там в безопасности, это служит надёжным укрытием для неё. Тот факт, что какой-то мужчина спорит с её отцом, грубые слова, которые мы слышим из их разговора, не могут не наводить на девочку панику и ощущение страха. Из разговора мужчин мы понимаем, что у семьи Алисы очень большие проблемы, которые они стараются решить как можно скорее. Тишина и темнота передают ту самую обстановку в семье Алисы.

    3.Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    Тот факт, что Алиса поступает в школу, говорит о том, что она маленькая девочка, которой около 6-7 лет. Школа-это новый этап в её жизни, очень важный. В школе много детей- значит много шума, суеты и беготни. Тот факт, что Алиса никогда не была в школе, говорит о том что она взволнована и даже напугана тем новым, что она видит в школе. Однако Алиса очень хочет пойти в школу, ей очень интересно.

    4.Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared

    Тот факт, что отец пришёл рано, говорит о том, что возможно все дома ещё спали, тишина. В доме светло, так как утро. Однако тот факт, что отец пришёл так рано и так внезапно, указывает на то, что произошло что-то страшное. Алиса не идёт в школу, потому что выходить на улицу очень опасно: участились случаи кражи людей.
    Резкие звуки пистолетов и машин наводят ещё большую тревогу и указывают на то, что в городе действительно творится что-то жуткое и опасное, хочется сбежать.

    5.Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    Они собираются уезжать в Россию, путешествие обещает быть долгим и возможно не очень безопасным, на эти мысли нас наводит строгая вооружённая охрана. Флажок, которым вооружённый охранник указал на Алису, говорит о том, что девочка вызвала какие-то подозрения. Внимательный и пристальный взгляд создаёт ощущение тревоги за Алису, становится интересно, что же произойдёт дальше.

    1. Closet
    Alice is hidden in the closet by her parents because something is wrong – men came at their house and argue with Alice’s dad. We hear door of the closet opening and see that it is dark in the room, probably it is late at night. But Alice feels quite cozy because she somehow got used to this violence at her house. Stressful music amplifies the worries for this family.
    2. School
    Alice tells us that she wanted to go to school and she together with her parents even visited one international school. Music changes and together with sounds of school life makes us forget the worries. We see pictures of that school: the building, surrounding territory, how the school looks inside and many kids. Alice likes it and wants to study there, but after we see phrases of her dialogue with her parents, we understand that she isn’t able to get it.
    3. Trouble
    Alice is being hidden in the closet again and we can barely hear voices outside it, but it is understandable that the conversation is unfriendly. Worrying phrases appear on the screen, the family must probably soon leave Moscow and suddenly music and voices vanish, the screen becomes dark and the atmosphere becomes tenser. Alice is scared. Unexpectedly the screen becomes white, we hear a scream and music that forces the creepy atmosphere. The family must run.
    4. Checkpoint
    Alice and her parents are driving a car, we see scenery passing in the car window. It changes to lights of an airfield and it means that they finally reached the checkpoint. We see the gates. But on the second checkpoint something unexpected happens – the guard stops their car and starts staring at it and family members, especially at Alice. The music is very frightening and makes the atmosphere macabre.
    5. Airplane
    We hear the gates being closed. Calming music and sound of the engine make us understand that family finally left Moscow. Alice does not know where are they going but at least it is safe and sound there. Calming music continues, we see sky covered with clouds. The end.

    1) Шкаф
    В первой же сцене мы знакомимся с юной девушкой Алисой, которая прячется в шкафу от семейных проблем. Она становится невольным свидетелем конфликта отца и каких-то мужчин, пришедших в их дом. Выделяется голос её матери, она кричит. Женщина явно обеспокоена происходящим. В доме и за окном очень темно, что ещё больше олицетворяет сложный, ужасающий период в жизни главной героини. Она заперта в шкафу и просто не может изменить ситуацию.
    Зачастую дети пользуются мобильными телефонами и различными игровыми приставками, чтобы игнорировать происходящее вокруг. Так и у Алисы была подобная игровая приставка. Девочка знакомит нас со своей любимой игрой «матрешка». Главный герой игры-мальчик Бред, который помогает ей пережить сложный период в жизни и ненадолго отвлечься от происходящего. Это даёт понять нам, что Алисе очень одиноко и Бред-её единственный друг.
    Алиса мечтает учиться в международной школе. Так, однажды она едет туда, чтобы узнать немного больше о ней. До 13 лет девочка находилась на домашнем обучении, поэтому обучение в школе кажется ей чем-то новым и светлым. Для неё это возможность спрятаться от семейных проблем и наконец-то «выйти из шкафа». Сцена со школой изображена в ярких красках, а устрашающая музыка меняется на более веселую. Ребенок не привык к обществу, поэтому немного боится такого большого количества детей, особенно мальчиков. Однако сильная, привыкшая к трудностям девочка не боится этого этапа, а наоборот, хочет окунуться в этот новый мир.
    4) Реальная причина.
    Её отец объясняет настоящую причину, почему она не может пойти в школу. Оказывается, детей похищают. Сцена сопровождается ужасающей музыкой с выстрелами, мы видим силуэт мужчины с пистолетом. Родители однозначно переживают за своего ребёнка. Наверняка, неприятности в их жизни заставляли задуматься о сохранности своего чада. Они попросту оберегали Алису.
    5) Отъезд.
    Семья уезжает из страны и Алиса этому даже рада, однако она не совсем понимает почему. Родители всё скрывают от неё. Она только делает то, что они говорят. Однако на посту она привлекает внимание охраны, но и это не кажется ей страшным. Девочка, вопреки указаниям родителей, открывает окно машины. Это говорит о том, что после множества сложностей, Алиса больше ничего не боится. Она идёт навстречу всем неприятностям и готова принять на себя удар. Она сильна и справится со всем!


    1) It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.

    The music and the darkness of the apartment produce the stress of the readers. Alice’s dad isn't at home. The atmosphere is really tense.

    2) Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.

    Alice is very frightened. She understands that her dad has problems. The silence shows the atmosphere of this scene.

    3) Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    Alice describes the school. There are some pictures and fast music. Alice has never studied at school before.

    4) Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school.
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared.

    Alice’s dad has some problems and he worries about harming her. The atmosphere is tense.

    5) Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    They moved away Russia. Alice is happy, because she doesn't like Russia. Her mom worries. But Alice is calm; she speaks with a guard with sure voice.

  27. Выполнила Шишлина Полина ИЯ-51

    1)It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.

    There is harsh and grave atmosphere started from the beginning of this electronic piece. The music is intense, makes readers/users feel pressured.

    2)Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.

    The sounds of creaking doors, mixed speech, different sounds scare users. It is all done for readers to understand the feelings of Alice.

    3)Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    Pop up images of a school, students, boys in particular. Alice is interested in all this, but she is afraid as well.

    4)Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared

    It is obvious that Alice's father is having trouble. The scene is filled with hurry and commotion, fear, and misunderstanding.

    5)Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    In this scene we see that Alice is able to pull herself together, she talks to the officer confidently, bravely. After all of troubles and fears she grows as a strong person step by step.

  28. Выполнил: Ковешников Дмитрий, ИЯ-52.
    1. It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.

    As we know, there is no light in the apartment, so it is supposed to be a late night. Alice and her mother are probably little bit confused and threatened. The tension becomes higher as they hear that sound of front door. *Tense music*. They figure out that somebody is standing in the front of the door. They keep in mind they are alone in the apartment. So nobody supposed to show up. They are wonder who is behind that door.

    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.

    Alice is intimidated. Mom tells her to hide in the closet and be as quiet as a mouse till she opens the door and finds out who it is. Mom is scarcely opening that door and sees Alice's father and other men. As a matter of fact, mom supposes that argument is probable and Alice better be in that closet. As they start shouting, Alice becomes more threatened. Luckily, she has her player.

    3. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    She wants to be in school,she is curious about that, because she's never been to school. She wants to go International school As a matter of fact, she wants to find new friends to spend time with. But she gets confused everytime she crowded by pupils.

    4. Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school.
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared.

    *Tense music appears* The tension becomes higher, because her dad and her mum is having argument again , because don't want Alice to go to school, but mum does. The girl is frustrated. It gets dark and we can only see a man with the gun and we hear that car sounds.

    5. Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    Parents decide to leave the town as fast as they can because Dad got into a trouble. They get into a car and riding at high speed. The music is very tense. They are stopped before check-point. They are a little bit intimidated. Because guard's staring at Alice. He wants that player but Alice does not want to give it to him. It is important to her.

  29. Работу выполнила Урванцева Мария ИЯ 52

    1. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    Alice wants to go to school. She wants to make new friends, but she is frightened by the fact that there are a lot of boys in school, she probably never contacted them. She never went to school. Schooling is a new stage in her life. Music is dynamic, not negative.

    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.

    The tension continues to grow. Alice hides in the closet and does not know what is happening in the room. We hear the rude voices of men who argue with her father. It is likely that the family has very serious problems. Alice is frightened, but feels safe when sitting in the closet. The only her sedation in this situation is her player. Disputes and disturbing music abruptly break off and silence sets in.

    3. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    Alice wants to go to school. She wants to make new friends, but she is frightened by the fact that there are a lot of boys in school, she probably never contacted them. She never went to school. Schooling is a new stage in her life. Music is dynamic, not negative.

    4. Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared.

    Alice's father came home early, he probably has problems at work. He said that Alice will not go to school anymore, because the children are kidnapped. Alice is upset, her dreams have collapsed. A red silhouette of a man with a gun appears. This adds fear and anxiety to the events that are taking place. After that, we hear terrible sounds of shooting and car crashes. After that silence comes.

    5. Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    After Alice's father managed to overcome several check-points, the reader hopes that they will be lucky. Therefore, when they are detained, it becomes scary. More tension occurs when the guard directs the flashlight to Alice. He sees the player, father and mother shout at Alice, she is ready to go against her parents because of her only friend, the player.

  30. ИЯ-52 Семенов А.В.

    1.It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.

    Interpretation: It’s late night.Alice was about to sleep. Alice and her mother are the only 2 people in the apartment.Music helps to create stressful atmosphere.
    2.Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    Interpretation: Alice parents want to save her from dangerous men her father has conflict with. Tension increases. But Alice feels safe being in the closet.
    3.Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    Interpretation: Alice is exciting about going to school, that’s her first experience. She wants it, but also feels anxiety. Music is energetic.
    4.Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared
    Interpretation: Since Alice family is afraid of kidnapping, she won’t go to school. The scene is filled with fear, disturbance.
    5.Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.
    Interpretation: They are going to leave Russia. Alice shows that the player is really important in her life, she behaves bravely and confidently to save it.The music is frightening and quite fast.

    1. Alice is hiding in the closet.
    She hears loud voices of men. At the beginning music was quiet, with time it started to get louder and faster and sounds quite frightening. The room is portrayed very dark so the events that will take place will likely be dramatic.

    2. Alice is in the closet.
    There`re some men outside the closet arguing with her dad.
    Alice is hiding in the closet, the place which should protect her and make her feel save and calm.

    3. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    Alice wants to go to school. She wants to make new friends, but she is frightened by the fact that there are a lot of boys in school, she probably never contacted them. She never went to school.

    4. Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared.

    Alice's father came home early, he probably has problems at work. He said that Alice will not go to school anymore, because the children are kidnapped. Alice is upset, her dreams have collapsed.. Music again sounds anxiously.
    Alice is lonely teenager, she knows that school is important for her, and she tried to persuade her father.

    5. Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    After Alice's father managed to overcome several check-points, the reader hopes that they will be lucky. Therefore, when they are detained, it becomes scary. More tension occurs when the guard directs the flashlight to Alice. He sees the player, father and mother shout at Alice, she is ready to go against her parents because of her only friend, the player.

  32. ИЯ-51 Чепчугова А.А.
    1.It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.

    There is night now and I think Alice was going to sleep. Somebody came and entered the door.

    2.Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.

    Music is speed and unpleasant. There are seen the doors of the closet. Some danger is in the room.

    3.Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    She saw too many kids in the school. She has never been to school before it and maybe it was very stressful for her.

    4.Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared

    There was unpleasant music and same atmosphere. Something has happened at Alice's father.

    5.Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    Mother woories about her family and especially about her daughter. But Alice is bitter-ender and she isn't afraid of guard.

  33. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  34. Работа Сарана Валерии ИЯ-52

    1. It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.
    It’s late. Perhaps Alice is going to sleep. Alice’s dad isn’t at home yet. Someone knocked on the door and came to them.

    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    Alice is frightened. Her father has some problems. The darkness makes Alice unhappy.
    3. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    Alice wants to go to school. She wants to make new friends, but she is frightened by the fact that there are a lot of boys in school, she probably never contacted them. She never went to school.
    4.Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared

    It is obvious that Alice's father is having trouble. The scene is filled with hurry and commotion.
    5.Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    They moved away Russia. The music is frightening and quite fast.Her parents are worried. But Alice looks calm.

  35. Этот комментарий был удален автором.


    1. Dark apartment.
    Alice is hiding in the closet. She hears voises of men. It is normal situation for her, she starts playing game on her player, where her friend Brad - the game mascot - waits for her. then there is a brief story about Alice's parents and dark views of Moskow.

    The sounds of creaking doors, mixed speech, different sounds are done for readers to understand Alice's feelings. She feel kind of cosy and safe hiding in this closet. It shows, that it's not the first case, when she has to hide because of serious problems of her father. Alice's "friendship" with Brad shows her loneliness. Dark pictures of Moskow make the whole image darker.

    2. School.
    Alice is about to enroll to school. She sees a lot of kids, especially boys and tech classroom attract her attention.
    Alice is looking forward studing there and communicating with other kids. She has never been to school. But one day her father comes earlier and says, that she can't go in this school because of kisnapping problem. Alice is sad, she wanted it very much.

    Alice's emotions of visiting school show her lonliness and non-socialization. The music in this moment is very cheerful, because of Alice's hope for starting a new life full of friends.

    3. Problems.
    Alice understands, that they may leave Russia soon, because her father has serious troubles. Then it becomes quiet outside, and the closet is not cosy anymore, Alice is scared. Alice's tells her get ready to leaving.

    In the moment of silence we hear ony interference, but, when it becomes completelt silent, we see only black background and text. Then there is a scream, and the screen goes white. The disturbing music starts playing. It is very dynamic to show fear and rush. In the hall of apartment text appears not in the center of a frame, but on the edge, in the shadow. It shows, how Alice's parents hide. Perhaps they could be pursued by someone.

    4. Check-point.
    After Alice's father managed to overcome one check-point, their car stopped before the next check-point. Alice's father says, that they need to give a bribe to pass this check-point. Guard walks around car and asks for Alice's player. She doesn't want to give it away, because Brad is her only friend. Instead, she shows her collection of dolls to the guard. He laughs and lets them through. Alice and her family are leaving Russia safely.

    The music is still very tense. Reader can't see the face of guard, he is only black silhouette. He doesn't speak, he only taps on the window, and it feels like you are in Alice's place. It shows misunderstanding, uncertainty and fear of Alice and her parents. When they pass this check-point, the music gets slower and calmer. They managed to leave Russia,all bad things are left behind.

  37. Лычак В.С. ИЯ-52
    1) It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.

    Darkness and the current situation cause the reader tensions and experiences. Alice's father is absent.

    2) Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.

    Alice is very scared. She realizes that her father has problems. Silence embodies the atmosphere of this scene.

    3) Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    Alice talks about the school. There is a slideshow and fast paced music. Alice never went to school.

    4) Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school.
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared.

    Alice's father has problems, and he is afraid for his family. Gloomy tone, tense atmosphere.

    5) Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    Alice is happy that she and her family left. Her mother is worried. But Alice is calm; she talks confidently with the guard and is not afraid of him.

  38. Antipin Danil ИЯ-51
    1.It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.
    Interpretation: It seems to me that it's late night. And both Alice and her mother are alone in the apartment. The sound of front door opening appeared and that means that somebody is going to enter the apartment. Music creates a really stressful and sorrowful atmosphere that prepares the user to see something terrifying.

    2.Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    Interpretation: Alice is afraid of something, that's why she is hiding in the closet. She hears different voices outside and mother's scream...Something has happened, but she doesn't know it.

    3.Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.
    Interpretation: Alice is 13y.o. girl and as a typical teenager she wants to attend a school. It's something new for her, because she has never been there, but in the same moment she feels a worrying, that's why she thoroughly thinks about it.

    4.Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared
    Interpretation: The fact that Alice's dad came home early shows that something had happened and he had to come back home. Maybe he was fired from his job. Also, dad doesn't allow Alice to go to school because the incidents of kidnaping are getting more frequent and parents are afraid of it.
    5.Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.
    Interpretation: When the car finally stops before the check-point the tension is becoming harder. The user can feel worriedness about Alice and her family. Guard takes a look at Alice and her mp3-player and asks her to give it to him, but Alice refuses to do it, because she is connected with the mp3-player psychologically - there "lives" her only friend.


    1. It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.
    Perhaps Alice is going to sleep.Someone knocked on the door and came.

    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Silence. Darkness.
    Alice is frightened. Her father has some problems. The darkness makes Alice unhappy.
    3. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.

    Alice wants to go to school. She wants to make new friends, but she is frightened by the fact that there are a lot of boys in school, she probably never contacted them. She never went to school.
    4.Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared

    It is obvious that Alice's father is having trouble.
    5.Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    They moved away Russia. The music is frightening and quite fast.Her parents are worried. But Alice looks calm.

  40. Беленкова Анастасия ИЯ-55

    1.It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.

    -It's night time, Alice's father isn't at home yet. Later we can hear the sound of door opening and the atmosphere and music has become tense.

    2.Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.

    -Alice is scared. There are men in the apartment arguing loudly with her dad. She hears her mom shouting. There are problems with her dad’s job. Music became tense and loud.

    3.Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    -Alice wants studying at school, although, it's stressful for her to communicate with other children, especially with boys. Music is calm and slow during her memories about school.

    4.Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared

    - Alice's father came home early, he has problems at work with some shady characters in the oil business. He is is being blamed for a big oil leak, even though it’s not his fault .Alice was supposed to attend school in Russia, but her dad won’t allow it because of the risk of kidnapping. She is so upset because because of her father's decision, the picture became dark and music became tense. Later we can hear sounds of shooting and cars crashing, Alice is scared. There is a silence and then unexpected loud scream.

    5.Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    - Alice and her parents hurriedly pack and take off into the night to leave Moscow. As they approach the airfield, they are unexpectedly stopped at a check-point. The guard stared at the family, especially at Alice. The music is very frightening and there is a silence later, what's make the atmosphere more tense.

  41. Величко Полина ИЯ-55

    1)It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.

    The music and the darkness of the apartment produce the stress of the readers. Alice’s dad isn't at home.

    2) Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.

    Alice feels danger, she’s afraid of men. Alice guesses about problems in dad’s job. Silence and darkness reflect future troubles in life of this family.

    3)Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    Alice talks about the school. There is a slideshow and fast paced music. Alice never went to school.

    4)Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared

    Alice's father has problems, and he is afraid for his family. Gloomy tone, tense atmosphere.

    5)Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    They moved away Russia. Alice is happy, because she doesn't like Russia. Her mom worries. But Alice is calm; she speaks with a guard with sure voice.

  42. Огнева Вероника, ИЯ55
    1) It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.
    Интерпретация: Действия происходят глубокой ночью, отца Алисы всё еще нет дома. Но входная дверь открывается. Возможно это он.
    2) Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    Интерпретация: Алиса спряталась в шкафу, так как ей страшно. Это не удивительно, потому что в доме некто посторонний спорит с ее отцом. Напряжение нарастает из-за музыки, которая, возможно, предвещает нечто плохое.
    3) Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.
    Алиса очень хочет пойти в школу, она думает о ней исключительно в позитивном ключе. Но так как у нее нет опыта общения с другими детьми из-за частых переездов ее родителей, большое количество детей в школе немного ее напугало.
    4)Тhe apartment is dark and gloomy. She has the Matryoshka game to keep her entertained.
    Для Алисы матрешка - единственное развлечение, единственная яркая игрушка в их серой и тусклой квартирке. Возможно из города в город они ездят налегке, поэтому у Алисы больше нет игрушек.
    5)Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.
    Семья Алисы решила покинуть город. Ее мама очень волновалась из-за того, что их могут не выпустить из города (возможно из-за дел, которыми занимается отец). Мама Алисы была очень напугана, когда пограничник начал разглядывать их дочь. Но Алиса была настроена воинственно и не отдала свой планшет пограничнику, когда он попросил ее об этом.

  43. Этот комментарий был удален автором.

  44. 1. It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.

    Interpretation: It is dark in the apartment, so we understand that it’s late at night.
    Alice and her mother are alone at night; it makes us think that they stay alone often because of the father’s work. The sound of front door opening tells us that someone has come. The music is very tense, it causes feelings of anxiety.

    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.

    Interpretation: Alice’s mother tells her to hide in the closet. Alice hears men arguing with her dad. And we suppose that her family is in trouble. She is afraid and she tries to calm down so she gets out her player. Then men leave. Alice is sitting in the closet in darkness and silence. She feels cozy there.

    3. Alice describes their flat.
    Her own room.
    Scheme of the flat.

    Interpretation: Alice opened the doors of the closet and stated to describe their flat. She said her room is large with bug dirty windows. The winter sky is low and gray, so we can feel the mood of the city. Alice shows us the scheme of their flat. She points out that the flat is very old and looks very dismal.

    4. Alice talks about school.
    She has never been there.
    School is crowded with kids.

    Interpretation: Alice has never been to school and she is very excited to go there, because during 13 years she was on self-education. The colors of the photos are bright and look funny; it makes us think that school is something very positive to Alice. She is a little worrying about the kids there; she has never been close to them before. And boys are attracting her much: we can see a lot of photos of boys while she is talking about the school.

    5. The family decided to leave Moscow.
    Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    Interpretation: Alice’s parents decide to leave Moscow. They know that they lose everything. And we understand that they haven’t got another way to solve their problems. The music is very dynamic. We can hear strange words, but we can’t understand their sense. It makes us nervous. When the car stop before the check-point and armed guard's torch flashed at Alice, we think that it's the end of the story. But the armed guard just wants to have a look at Alice’s player. She doesn’t want to give it to him. She wants to keep her virtual friend Bred in safe. And when the guard understand that there is no danger anymore he let them in.


  45. Житкова Полина, ИЯ-55
    1. It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.
    Интерпретация: Действие происходит поздней ночью, потому что в доме темно. Алиса и ее мама одни дома, значит отец отсутствует и возможно он часто задерживается на работе и приходит домой поздно. Когда дверь открылась возможно именно отец пришел с работы.

    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    Интерпретация: Алиса прячется в шкафу потому там она чувствует себя в безопасности, так как отец спорит с мужчиной и ей страшно. Возможно они в опасности или у ее отца какие-то проблемы. Нарастающая музыка усиливает напряжение истории.

    3. Alice describes their flat.
    Her own room.
    Scheme of the flat.
    Интерпретация: Алиса вылезает из шкафа и начинает описывать квартиру. Сквозь грязные окна можно увидеть темную и серую Москву. Ее комната очень большая, а сама квартира очень старая.
    4. Alice talks about school.
    She has never been there.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Интерпретация: Алиса очень рада и взволнованна, потому что она собирается пойти в школу первый раз в своей жизни, так как раньше она обучалась на дому. На фоне темного города и такой же жизни, школа описана яркими красками и ассоциируется у Алисы с чем-то очень хорошим.
    В школе очень много детей и она слегка переживает из-за этого , так как раньше никогда ни с кем не общалась.

    5. The family decided to leave Moscow.
    Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.
    Интерпретация: Так как оставаться в Москве было опасно и не найдя другого выхода из сложившейся ситуации родители решают покинуть Москву и отправляются в аэропорт. Останавливаясь на контроле, вооруженный охранник светит в машину и увидев плеер у Алисы он требует его ей отдать, но для Алисы плеер очень много значит и она отказывается его отдать.

  46. Четиник Алена ИЯ-55
    1. It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.
    It is dark in the apartment, so we can guess that it is a late night. Her father is not home now. The sound of front door opening shows us that somebody will enter, it can be her father.

    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    Alice's mother told her to hide. Because she feels danger from those men. The sounds make us think that something bad is about to happen.

    3. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.
    Alice really wants to go to school, because she has never been there. Sounds and images show that she is excited about it.

    4. Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school.
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared.
    For some reasons Alice's father is afraid that his daughter may be kidnapped, so she is not going to school. Sounds and images confirm it.

    5. Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.
    Alice's family should immediately leave Moscow, because of father's problems at work. When they had to stop before the check-point and armed guard took a look at Alice, they are starting to panic. Sounds show a growing anxiety.

  47. Выполнила Журавлёва Алёна, ИЯ-55
    1. It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.
    Interpretation: It’s late evening, about 11 o’clock. Alice got used to spend evenings with her mom without dad. There is no light in the apartment. It’s very scary, that these people will come again, maybe it’s the reason because mom switched off the light.. A few minutes later, the door slowly opened. The atmosphere is disquieting, because you don’t know what to expect.
    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    Interpretation: These people came again. Mom told me to sit in the closet, but before I heard sounds like Dad argued with them. Soon they were silent ... I’m very frightened, it's so dark here. Maybe we are in grave danger. There are so many thoughts in my mind. When does it stop?
    3. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.
    Interpretation: Going to school is a new stage in Alice's life. Alice has never felt such emotions before. There were so many children as she. At last, music changed to more cheerful. Pictures of children and school awakened in Alice a sense of admiration and a desire to learn something new.
    4. Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared
    Interpretation: Father's problems at work affected Alice this time. He even came earlier than usual, and it is possible that now everything is more than serious, so he forbade her to go to school. Sounds brought fear and despair.
    5. Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.
    Interpretation: The situation has reached the limit and the family was leaving the country. But suddenly the guard stopped them. Parents tried to remain calm, but they were noticeably worried. Alice drew the attention of the guard, and he looked intently at her. Perhaps because children are always gullible and can tell everything. Parents were afraid, as evidenced by the music on the background, which was extremely intriguing and energetic. But Alice was confident, because she has already experienced so many emotions and fears.

  48. Лысенко Наталья ИЯ-55
    1. It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.
    It is late night. Alice’s father is not at home. Someone knocks at the door. Alice and her mother don’t know who’s there. Music is tense and makes us understand their anxiety.

    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    Alice’s parents tell her to hide in the closet. They don’t want Alice to hear them. Alice finds out that her father is in trouble. The silence and darkness suggest that something unexpected can happen.

    3. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.
    Alice was going to go to the International School. The pictures of school are bright and colorful. Alice has good impressions about the school. Alice liked the kids there. She wants to make friends with them.

    4. Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school.
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared.
    Alice’s father came home early. That is very strange. He tells Alice about a problem with kidnapping. Alice’s parents want to keep her out of trouble. We see the red figure with a gun which symbolizes a threat.

    5. Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.
    Armed guard points at Alice’s player. Alice doesn’t want to give him the player because it is very important for her. Alice is in the car by herself. There is a silence which shows that Alice is to decide what to do without her parents’ advice.

  49. Артюшенко Полина, ИЯ-55.
    1.It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.
    Интерпретация:В квартире очень темно,что говорит нам о том,что, скорее всего, действие происходит поздно вечером или, может быть, даже ночью. Дома никого кроме тринадцатилетней девочки Алисы и ее мамы нет. Вдруг мы слышим звук открывающейся двери-наверное, пришел папа Алисы.
    2.Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    Интерпретация: Алисе страшно,она сидит шкафу в своей комнате, там она чувствует себя в безопасности. Слышно, как спорят люди между собой какие-то мужчины, очень грубые, ее отец и мама,которая больше всех кричит(Именно мама,почувствовав угрозу от мужчин, сказала спрятаться дочке в шкафу).Значит,случилось что-то очень серьезное и даже опасное. Единственное утешение девочки - это ее плеер и ее воображаемый друг-Брэд. Еще у нее есть игрушка-матрешка-единственное яркое пятно в ее квартире.
    3. Alice and her family have been living in Moscow for a couple of years now.
    Her room is large, and has big dirty windows;the winter sky is low and grey.
    Все изображения выполнены в мрачной цветовой гамме,что показывает нам, что жизнь главной героини не самая веселая, что ей не нравится жить в этом городе. Алиса говорит,что у нее большая комната- возможно, автор хотел показать этим то,как одиноко этой девочке. Она говорит, что окна грязные,что небо серое-Алиса говорит обо всем с пессимистичным настроением.
    4.Alice and her family went to look at International school there.
    Alice thought it looked cool.
    It was full of kids, including BOYS, the pool, the field and more boys, tech...
    Интерпретация:Алиса и ее семья пошли взглянуть на Международную школу. Школа на изображении показана в ярких и солнечных тонах, (в отличие от ее дома) что говорит о том,что ей там очень понравилось. Она особенно подчеркивает такие слова, как: дети, мальчики,технологии-девочка с одной стороны переживает,а с другой стороны ей очень не хватает общения, современных технологий. Ей хочется быть как все нормальные дети и ходить в школу(хотя другие дети обычно неохотно идут в школу).
    5.Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.
    Интерпретация: Ситуация оказалось очень опасной и семья Алисы решила покинуть Москву. Все шло поначалу гладко,но вдруг машина остановилась-значит что-то пошло не так. Пункт осмотра был для них неожиданностью. Играет напряженная музыка-значит что-то должно случиться. Охранник посветил фонариком в окно машины. Он пристально смотрел на Алису-она кажется ему подозрительной. Мама Алисы очень напугана-она не понимает, почему охранник так смотрит на их дочь. Но Алиса все поняла сразу. В отличие от матери она не боится охранника и отказывается отдать свой плеер-ведь там ее воображаемый друг-Брэд, единственный ее друг,который ей очень дорог.

  50. Андрющенко Мира ИЯ-55
    1. It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.
    Интерпретация: Действие происходит,как мы можем предположить, поздно вечером. Алиса и ее мама находится дома вдвоем. Услышав звук открывающейся двери, они ожидали, что кто-то сейчас войдет в комнату. Вероятно, это будет папа.
    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    Интерпретация: Алиса спряталась в шкаф, в котором чувствовала себя уютно и совершенно в безопасности. Она слышала, как какие-то мужчины спорили с ее отцом, больше всего было слышно выкрики мамы. Именно мама сказала спрятаться Алисе в шкаф, понимая, чтобы оградить дочь от проблем,которые переживает их семья.
    3. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.
    Интерпретация: Алиса не ходила в школу, в связи с тем,что семья вынуждена часто менять место жительства и,поэтому, обучалась дома. У нее нет друзей,кроме вымышленного персонажа Брэда и ее желание,пойти в школу,было огромным,ей хотелось ощутить школьную атмосферу,понять,почему многие дети ненавидят школу. Но Алиса не привыкла быть в окружении столь большого количества людей,особенно мальчиков. Незнание, как реагировать на происходящее, напугало ее.

    4.Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared
    Интерпретация: Алиса услышала, как спорят ее родители, подметив, что в последнее время это превратилось в их "хобби". Вероятно, семья переживает трудности,которые заставляют родителей постоянно спорить. Отец против отправления Алисы в школу, аргументируя тем, что детей часто похищают в этом районе. Но, мы можем предположить, что это было отговоркой, и у главы семьи большие проблемы, связанные с криминалом.
    5. Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.
    Интерпретация: Ситуация набрала большие обороты, семья вынуждена покинуть Россию. Алиса не понимала,почему родители мгновенно решили отправиться в новое "путешествие", они лишь делала то, что говорили ей родители. На границе, машину останавливает охрана. Алиса показалась им подозрительной. Родители встревожены, запрещают ей открывать окно. Но Алиса все же,открывает окно. Ей уже ничего не страшно. Охранник просит отдать ему планшет, но Алиса отказывается делать это, ведь это ее единственный друг -Брэд.

  51. ИЯ-56, dongak dina

    1. It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.

    There is a quite late. The music is very weird, it's a little horrifying. There are only Alice and her mother in the apartment. There’s too dark, but the lamps lights on dimly. And soon we hear the sound of the door. By the way, they are living in Moscow.

    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.

    Alice is full of fear. Her mother told to hide. She hears a loud of disputes.. She's hiding because she feels the danger. The situation absorbs. She made up the game – Matryoshka, which helps to forget the problems.

    3. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    The school was shown in bright colors. This is her dream, to go to school and her dream is in light. When the school was shown, the music was not so disturbing… Probably Alice wants to school to make friends. She's just a child and she wants to learn something new like other normal kids.

    4. Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school.
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared.

    Her father showed up. He was confused about something, and he didn't allow Alice to go to school. He was worried about his daughter, about kidnapping, and what’s going on around…
    They are going to escape. As if someone is hunting them. The music is very quickly, it tells us about the fast movements.

    5. Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    When they were stopped, they became very nervous. The guard inspected the car and asked Alice to open the window. He looked at her game console, smiled at her and let them go. In the end, it was the only time when the music was really friendly. I liked the music. It made me covered in goosebumps… I hope the family of Alice is safe.

  52. Крымцева Наталья, ИЯ-55
    1. It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.

    Я предполагаю, что действие происходит поздно вечером. Алиса с мамой одни, так как отец очень часто работает и место работы находится далеко от дома. Звук открывающейся двери, указывает на то, что кто-то заходит в дом. Это точно отец, так как мать не открывает дверь незнакомцам, а у отца, вероятно есть ключ.

    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.

    Алиса рассказывает о том, что она уже привыкла прятаться в шкафу и даже считает его уютным. Отец с кем-то спорит, значит у него какие-то проблемы, скорее всего связанные с работой, но может и с долгами. Тишина и темнота указывают на то, что произошло что-то ужасное. Алисы сидит в шкафу и не знает, что именно там происходит, и это нагнетает еще больше.

    3. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    Алиса никогда не училась в школе, из-за того, что ее семья постоянно переезжает с одного города в другой. Она собиралась наконец-то пойти в школу, т.к. видимо, у отца наконец-то появилась стабильная работа. Школа наполнена детьми, и для Алисы, это очень важно. Они вечно находятся в разъездах, поэтому у нее нет времени заводить друзей. Она подросток, и любое общение для нее очень важно, и т.к. ее единственным другом является Брэд из ее любимой игры, для нее очень важно пойти в школу, и жить, и общаться, как и все остальные подростки.

    4. Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared.
    Отец приходит раньше времени, и это означает, что у нее большие проблемы, возможно он потерял работу. Он сообщает, что Алиса не пойдет в школу, и это значит, что это либо опасно либо они снова собираются переезжать. И снова появляется нагнетающая обстановка, которая усугубляется звуками выстрелов и автомобильной аварии.

    5.Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    Для Алисы, вся эта ситуация очень напряженная. Она подросток, и для нее все это кажется чем-то опасным. Полицейский светит ей в лицо, чтобы просто увидеть всех, кто находится в машине, но сама она считает, что он заинтересован ее приставкой. Она не боится сказать полицейскому, что не намеренна отдавать ему ее планшет, и это объясняется тем, что там находится ее единственный хоть и воображаемый, но друг.

  53. Матрунчик Марина, ИЯ-56

    1.It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.
    Interpretation: I suppose that it's late night. And both Alice and her mother are alone in the apartment. The sound of front door opening appeared and that means that somebody is going to enter into the apartment. Music creates a really stressful and tragic atmosphere that prepares the user to see something terrifying.

    2.Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    Interpretation: Alice parents want to save her from dangerous men. Tension increases. But Alice feels safe being in the closet.

    3.Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.
    Interpretation:Alice describes the school. She wants to go to school, because she spent her life on self-education. She wants to make new friends, but she is frightened by the fact that there are a lot of boys in school, she probably never contacted them. Schooling is a new level in her life. Music is dynamic.

    4.Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared
    Interpretation:Alice’s father forbids her to go to school because of kidnapping. Alice will not go to school anymore. Her hopes are broken. It is colorfully shown by sounds

    5.Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    interpretation:the family leave the country. They are stopped by the guards. Alice's mom is worried because the guard began talk to her daughter. Alice does not give her guard a player, it shows us how important this thing is to her. This is accompanied by dynamic music.

    1.It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.

    It looks like it's already night. Alice and her mom are all alone in the apartment. Then they hear that someone is entering the apartment. The atmosphere becomes very tense and tragic. Music adds a sense of anxiety; it seems that something bad has happened.

    2. Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.

    Alice is hiding in the closet from family problems. The closet is the place where Alice feels safe. She becomes an involuntary witness to the conflict of her father and some men who unexpectedly came to their apartment. It seems that her father has big problems.

    3. Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.

    Alice dreams of studying at an international school. For her, this is an opportunity to hide from family problems and finally "get out of the closet." The scene with the school is depicted in bright colors, and the frightening music changes to a more cheerful one. The child is not accustomed to society, so a little afraid of so many children, especially boys. She wants to plunge into this new world.

    4. Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared

    The situation in the work of Alice's father becomes more complicated. Her father is scared for Alice's life. The scene is accompanied by horrific music with shots, we see the silhouette of a man with a gun.

    5. Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.

    The Alice family decides to leave the city. Her Mom feels danger. But Alice is even happy about this, but she does not quite understand why they are forced to leave. Her parents hide everything from her. At the post, she attracts the attention of the guards, but it does not seem scary to her either. The girl opens the car window. This suggests that after many difficulties, Alice is not afraid of anything else.

  55. 1) It is dark in the apartment.
    Alice and her mother are alone.
    The sound of front door opening appeared.
    She hears loud voices of unknown men.The room is dark so it can suggest that something bad.
    2) Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    We only see depressing views with equally depressing weather. From this it's probable that Alice doesn't have any good feelings relating to Moscow. The apartment is quite large . We don't see any decoration or personal items in Alice's room so it can suggest she never feels at home here.
    3) . Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school.
    Alice sees school as something new and positive in her routine everyday life but since previously she hadn't had any school experience and hadn't made any friends with her peers, the animations are darker than the previous picture of the school. The kids look like dark shadows.
    4) Alice describes their apartment and their leaving.
    The music is very dynamic to show how rushed their escape is and that they have no time to take everything they want. The pictures are dark so the viewer can guess that the following events will be bad and maybe even dangerous.
    5) Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.
    The music is menacing and dynamic The shot is positioned in a way that we can see the glowing lights ahead of the fence with the guard. These glowing lights can symbolize the better future. We don't see the guard's face because he's just a part of this whole repressive system that Alice and her family have encountered.
    Выполнила студентка гр. ИЯ-56 Эргашева Кибриё

  56. 1) Alice and her family are leaving Moscow.
    Элис расстроена, что все что у них было пришлось оставить. Быстрая музыка, сменяющие друг друга изображения города.
    2)Alice is in the closet.
    Men argue with her dad.
    Silence. Darkness.
    Элис напугана и не знает, что происходит. На экране изображение створок шкафчика, напряженная музыка.
    3)Alice is about to enroll to school.
    School is crowded with kids.
    Alice has never been to school
    Элис воодушевлена идеей пойти в школу, ведь она никогда там не училась. Картинки школы сменяют друг друга, на большинстве из них мальчики Музыка не напряженная, быстрая.
    4) Alice's dad came home early.
    Alice is not going to school
    Sounds of shooting and cars crashing appeared
    Элис расстроена, тем фактом, что она не пойдет в школу. Полное отсутствие изображений, только сменяющиеся реплики на черном фоне. Музыка быстрая и напряженная, как будто вот-вот чо-то произойдет.
    5) Car stopped before the check-point.
    Armed guard's torch flashed at her.
    He took a closer look at Alice.
    Элис не понимает, что происходит, она думает, что у нее хотят отобрать ее игрушку. Музыка напряженная, то быстрая, то медленная. Изображения охранника с фонариком, сменяются изображением машины.
    Выполнила студентка группы ИЯ-55 Обломкова Анастасия

  57. Alice is shy and lonely girl. She does not have any brothers or sisters. A doll or dolls can be her companion when playing or when she is worried or nervous.

  58. Alice is at school for the first time. She needs time to get used to crowded places. Her parents or teachers should encourage him to find a good friend.
