пятница, 20 декабря 2013 г.

Electronic literature and digital art model of authorship and copyright

Since the early years of the Information Society, legal policymakers and scholars alike have noted the ways in which digitally-mediated creative practices might challenge copyright law’s concept of authorship.

Nowadays it is very difficult to identify the status of author  in law. Authorship of computer programs merits close attention, because it illustrates the relationship between the ideas of authorship (in general) in law and in the digital arts

 Electronic literature and digitalart model of authorship and copyright

вторник, 5 ноября 2013 г.

Проект мобильной динамической программы по спецкурсу «Electronic literature and digital writing space» для студентов направления Лингвистика 035 700 (НГТУ)

На исходе XX века новая цивилизационная революция вызвала к жизни принципиально новые форматы  текста: это электронный текст с интегрированным аудио, видео, анимационным и др. компонентами. Синтетический характер современного текста влечет за собой серьёзные изменения в структуре литературного пространства, делая его поликодовым. Использование иконических и других невербальных средств (паралингвистических компонентов) в тексте не только придает ему зрительную чувственную наглядность, но и является неиссякаемым источником его информационного насыщения, расширяет его прагматический потенциал.
Спецкурс по электронной литературе предполагает возможность знакомства студентов со знаковыми произведениями современной электронной литературы, а также основными способами создания электронных художественных текстов.
Содержательный модуль программы представлен восьмью обучающими модулями:
1.     Introduction: Electronic Literature;
2.     Early computer-mediated fiction;
3.     Hypertext;
4.     Cybertext;
5.     Interactive fiction and text adventure games;
6.     Automated poetics and text generators;
7.     Locative media fiction;
8.     Visual Poetry.
Курс ориентирован на развитие навыков анализа и продуцирования электронного мультимодального и мультимедийного художественного текста. Письменные задания курса (эссе) сформулированы таким образом, что акцент в них делается не только на разбор технических особенностей электронного художественного текста, но и на анализ его нарратологической структуры. В качестве финального задания предполагается создание электронного гипертекста (10-12 страниц), который должен быть представлен студентом в собственном тематическом блоге, чья система гиперссылок, интерфейс и содержательная часть будут отражать основные содержательные аспекты понятия «электронная литература» в современном медиа пространстве. В конце семестра все работы студентов аккумулируются на сайте, посвященном спецкурсу «Electronic literature and digital writing space».
Основными организационными требованиями к курсу является:
·        посещение аудиторных занятий и участие в дискуссиях на заявленную тему (с учетом одного подготовленного выступления на 3-5 минут)-20%;
·        еженедельная активность в блоге, посвященного курсу (мини эссе 300-500 слов) – 20 %;
·        выполнение промежуточного контроля в виде эссе (1000-1500 слов) по заявленной проблематике – 20%;
·        выполнение итогового проекта web-based essay project – 40%.
С точки зрения технической подготовки от студентов не требуется владения специфическими навыками программирования, в течение семестра учащиеся освоят основные принципы использования и создания собственных тематических блогов.

суббота, 7 сентября 2013 г.

среда, 4 сентября 2013 г.

Are you for or against electronic books?

Are you for or against? 

Electronic books or paper books?*
Are electronic books better than traditional paper books? Ebooks are very popular
these days but many readers prefer paper books.
Some people think that electronic books are great. You can store thousands of
books on an ebook, whereas paper books take up lots of space at home. You don’t
need to go to a bookshop because you can buy and receive books online instantly.
On the other hand, printed books are still very popular. Some people prefer to hold a
‘real’ book and like to touch paper pages. You can lend a favourite book to a friend
but you can’t borrow your friend’s ereader for a couple of weeks. Also, electronic
books are very expensive.
To sum up, I think that electronic books are a really useful invention. Many people

use them but they won’t replace paper books in the future. What do you think?

  • Write a ‘for or against’ blog entry. 
  • You should use the blog entry in Task 1 as a model for your writing and write 4 paragraphs, an introduction, a paragraph with reasons ‘for’, a paragraph with reasons ‘against’ and a conclusion. Use the words and expressions from Task 1B.
  • Blog your essay in comments to this message.
*Lesson Plans by Teaching English British Council 

воскресенье, 7 июля 2013 г.

«Mystery Greats» (original mystery and crime stories) individual reading course

The course consists of three chapters. There you can find short stories written by mystery and detective greats - Edgar Allan Poe, Arthur Conan Doyle and Agatha Christie - and the authors’ biographies. Each chapter contains audio podcasts, the whole text of the short story and  reading comprehension practice. Each chapter is provided with the original authoring set of exercises (Gap filling,  Matching; Multiple-choice; Quiz; Crossword). The «Mystery Greats» (original mystery and crime stories) individual reading course is for students and English teachers who study and work with Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate courses. The course is aimed at getting skills in reading  comprehension and  translation.
The «Mystery Greats» (original mystery and crime stories) individual reading course is not a highly tailored training course so whether you are  student or teacher you may use it as a main course or a part of some special courses or for your own individual studying needs.
The course gives you a great opportunity of mixing the text exercises, making different tests, and providing individual work and self-control tasks.


I. Introduction Mystery time line (1-2 week  - 6 September )
1. Read about the history of mystery, detective and crime short stories. Make up your variant of Mystery time line (up to 30 full sentences), podcast your history then blog the link to it.

Chapter I. Edgar Allan Poe (1809-1849) Biography. (3-6 week)
1. Listen to the first part of the story and read the whole text
2. Translate To Helen (original poem) by E.A. Poe. Use online translator first then read and correct mistakes you have in automatic translated text.Blog 2 variants (automatic and verified) of translation and list 5-7 common mistakes caused by automatic translation. Look through the verified translations made by other students. (20 September)
3. Do the "Black Cat" exercises and check you reading comprehension skills then blog you score per each exercise. (4 October)
4. Online quiz / mobile version Check you reading comprehension skills online then blog you score per each exercise.(4 October)

       Chapter II. 
Arthur Conan Doyle (1859-1930) Biography. (7-10 week)
1. Listen to the first part of the story and read the whole text.
2. Do the "Yellow  Face" exercises and check you reading comprehension skills  then blog your score per each exercise. (18 October)
3."White lie," good or bad? Poll  -  Family life, private or public? Poll (1 November)
4. Online multiple choice exercisemobile version Check you reading comprehension skills online then blog you score per each exercise (1 November)

 Chapter III. Agatha Christie (1890-1976) Biography. (11-12 week)
1. Listen to the first part of the story and read the whole text.
2. Do the "Western Star" exercises and check you reading comprehension skills  then blog your score per each exercise. (15 November)
3. Online multiple choice exercise /mobile version Check you reading comprehension skills online then blog you score per each exercise. (29 November)
4. Online quiz / mobile version Check you reading comprehension skills online then blog you score per each exercise. (29 November)

Final Project:
 1. Retell the stories you've read (The Black Cat, The Adventure of  the Yellow Face, The Adventure of the Western Star) using your own words (25 - 30 sentences), podcast your retelling then blog the link to it.
2. Treasure Hunt Task. Make up 3 questions  to each story (according to the content of the short stories) and blog them.
3. Give full answer to 3 questions posted by another student then blog them.
4. Check answers to your questions given by another student, blog your comments.

суббота, 29 июня 2013 г.

Voxopop - PodOmatic

Podcast  (embed)

Podcast  (URL)

Podcast (Facebook)

Listening task "England's Newest Tourist Attraction"

Listen to "England's Newest Tourist Attraction" podcast and do the tasks below.

Task 1.Read the sentences below, if the sentence is true  put T, F if the sentence is false or N if there is no information given.

1.     England’s newest tourist attraction is the M25 Motorway. (T/F)
2.     M25 Motorway is England is 18 kilometers long. (T/F)
3.     M25 Motorway is Britain’s busiest motorway, and one of the busiest roads in Europe. (T/F)
4.     Some people call the M25 the “largest car park in Britain”. (T/F)
5.     There are twenty two possible ways that we can travel around the M25. (T/F)

Task 2. Match the words (left column) with their Russian equivalents (right column).

slip road
Дорожный знак
по часовой стрелке
 въезд на автомагистраль, съезд с автомагистрали
road sign
одноэтажный автобус

суббота, 15 июня 2013 г.

Individual reading

Class: Individual Reading
Students: B1-B2
Topic: The Adventure of the Yellow Face by Arthur Conan Doyle
Task: Read the text of the short story The Adventure of the Yellow Face by Arthur Conan Doyle pay special attention to the end of the story.  Look through the questions below, find blogs on related topics using Google search engine, then blog your answers to the questions below.

1.      “White lie,” good or bad?
2.      Fear that prevents you from telling the truth.
3.      Family life, private or public?

*Задание сформулировано на базе учебных пособий:
1.      Кучина С. А. Mystery Greats (original mystery and crime stories): учебное пособие по комментированному чтению : учеб. пособие / С. А. Кучина. - : НГТУ, 2010. - 150 с.
2.      Mystery Greats. Multimedia Guide for Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate English Learners [Электронный ресурс]: сборник упражнений / С.А. Кучина – Электрон. текстовые, и прикладная прогр. (5.69 Мб). Новосибирск, 2009. : учеб.-метод. пособие / С. А. Кучина. - : НГТУ, 2009.

Individual Reading

Class: Individual Reading
Students: B1-B2
Topic: The Adventure of the Yellow Face by Arthur Conan Doyle
Task: Read the text of the short story The Adventure of the Yellow Face by Arthur Conan Doyle and do the exercises below, then blog your answer.

Exercise № 1
Look at the statements numbered 1-10; if the statement is true put T, F if the statement is false or N if there is no information given.
1.      We had an inn and two houses a little above us, and a single cottage at the other side of the field which faces us, and except those there were other houses until you got halfway to the station.
2.      My business took me into town at each season, but in summer I had less to do, and then in our country home my wife and I were just as happy as could be wished.
3.      There's one thing I am to tell you before I go further.
4.      'Oh,' said she in her playful way, 'you said that you were only my banker, and would  never ask questions.'
5.      So I had to be content with that, though it wasn’t the first time that there had ever been any secret between us.
6.      I told you just now that there is a cottage not far from our house. There is just a field between us, but to reach it you have to go along the road and then turn down a lane.
7.      Just beyond it is a nice little grove of Scotch firs, and I liked to stroll down there, for trees are always a neighborly kind of thing.
8.      I was some little way off, so that I could not make out the features, but there was something unnatural and inhuman about the face.
9.      I stood for five minutes thinking the business about and trying to analyze my impressions.
10.      I could not tell if the face was that of a man or a woman.
Exercise № 2
Choose sentences which have no factual and grammar mistakes.
a)      Sherlock Holmes was a man who seldom took exercise for exercise's sake.
b)      The man must value the pipe highly but he prefers to buy a new one with the same money rather than mend it.
c)      My friend threw out the information in a very in a free and easy manner, but I saw that he cocked his eye at me to see if I had followed his reasoning.
d)     "You think a man must be well-to-do if he smokes an eighty four pence pipe?" said I.
e)      As he might get an excellent smoke for half the price, he is in need money.
f)       It seems frightful to discuss the conduct of one's wife with two men whom I have never seen before.
g)      I am a married man and have been so for third years.
h)      During that time my wife and I have loved each other as fondly and lived as happily as any two that ever were joined.
i)        She had only been six mouse at Pinner when I met her; we fell in love with each other, and we married a few weeks afterwards.
j)        It was of a livid chalky white and with something set and rigid about it which was shockingly unnatural.
Exercise № 3
Choose the correct answer to complete each sentence according to the information given in the first 11- 16 reading passage of the short story.
1.      I was _______, so that I could not make out the features, but there was something unnatural and inhuman about the face.
a)      missed
b)      wrong
c)      wide of the mark
d)     erred
2.      She was __________ and breathing fast, glancing furtively towards the bed as she fastened her mantle to see if she had disturbed me.
a)      white as a sheet
b)      wan
c)      dim
d)     dull
3.      I said nothing in reply, but turned my face to the wall, sick at heart, with my mind filled with a thousand _______________.
a)      genial doubts and suspicions
b)      gracious doubts and suspicions
c)      spiteful doubts and suspicions
d)     benevolent doubts and suspicions
4.      My wife seemed to be as ______  as myself.
a)      impaired
b)       out of tone
c)      blithe
d)     despondent

Exercise № 4
Look through the passage and complete the following statements with your own words as briefly as possible.
1.      But if I __ not __________ I hear him upon the stair, so we shall have something more interesting than his pipe to study.
2.      "I beg your pardon," said he with some ____________, "I suppose I should have knocked. Yes, of course I should have knocked.
3.      The fact is that I am a little upset, and you must ____ it all ______ to that." He passed his hand over his forehead like a man who is half dazed, and then fell rather than sat down upon a chair.
4.      He spoke in little, sharp, jerky outbursts, and it seemed to me that to speak at all was very painful to him, and that his will all ________ was overriding his inclinations.
5.      It seems _________ to discuss the conduct of one's wife with two men whom I have never seen before.
6.      If you wish to preserve your incognito," said Holmes, smiling, "I would suggest that you ________ to write your name upon the lining of your hat, or else that you turn the crown towards the person whom you are addressing.
7.      Then suddenly, with a ________ gesture of his closed hand, like one who throws reserve to the winds, he began.
8.       She loves me with her ________ ______ and soul, and never more than now.
9.      She ________ _____ to America when she was young and lived in the town of Atlanta, where she married this Hebron, who was a lawyer with a good practice.
10.      This _________ her of America, and she came back to live with a maiden aunt at Pinner, in Middlesex.
*Задание сформулировано на базе учебных пособий:
1.    1.Кучина С. А. Mystery Greats (original mystery and crime stories): учебное пособие по комментированному чтению : учеб. пособие / С. А. Кучина. - : НГТУ, 2010. - 150 с.
2.      Mystery Greats. Multimedia Guide for Intermediate and Upper-Intermediate English Learners [Электронный ресурс]: сборник упражнений / С.А. Кучина – Электрон. текстовые, и прикладная прогр. (5.69 Мб). Новосибирск, 2009. : учеб.-метод. пособие / С. А. Кучина. - : НГТУ, 2009.