четверг, 16 мая 2019 г.

The Digitally Literate Classroom: Reading Inanimate Alice, Episode 3_Reading Reflection_Iya_81-86

Now you have finished reading “Episode 3: Russia,” Inanimate Alice. Write a short blog entry to think about your reading experience. Be sure to answer the following:

·        What I did (Explain how you read the story – did your eyes scan each screen from left to right? How did you feel about the sound, images, and words that would appear all at the same time on certain screens?)

·        What I enjoyed (Write about what you liked most about Episode 3)

·        What I found difficult (Write about the most difficult part of reading Episode 3)

·        What really worked (What was the best bit about the story and why)?

·        What tips might you share with other readers for their first digital story reading experience?)

Post your answer in response to this message in my blog. Thank you!

Inanimate Alice_Cloze Reading_Iya-81-86

Попробуем сделать свой собственный вариант интерпретации ключевых фрагментов эпизода Inanimate Alice: Russia. Выберите наиболее яркие или значимые вербальные (текст) и,  сопутствующие им, невербальные (звук, изображения) компоненты повествования, разместите их в левом столбце Close Reading Log. В правой части таблицы разместите Вашу интерпретацию описанного повествовательного события и значение невербальных компонентов в выбранном Вами фрагменте. Всего должно быть выбрано и проанализировано 5 повествовательных компонентов. Выполненные задания необходимо разместить в разделе комментарии к данному сообщению блога. 


What can we see?
What can we hear?
What shall we do?
Black screen (imitating closed doors of closet);
White text on the screen
Music (dynamic, a kind of song)
And different sounds: arguing people, shouts.
The reader should follow the arrows on the screen. This part is interactive.
Animated picture on the left (player)

And white text on the black screen
Music and a song (very strange, reminding Russian melody but not exactly the same).
Play the game and collect matryoshkas.
Animated pictures of kids, pupils of the international school, maps of school territory, pictures of different classrooms
Music ((the same, very dynamic), a melody (resembling Russian song), sounds (different voices).
The reader should follow the arrows on the screen. This part is partly interactive.