пятница, 13 октября 2023 г.

Seminar # 3 Electronic generative fiction



Scott Rettberg's generator "The Frequency" utilizes different constraints to generate its poems. These constraints determine the syllabic forms and rhyme schemes that are employed.

1. Syllabic forms: "The Frequency" utilizes syllabic constraints, which focus on the number of syllables used in each line or stanza. Rettberg explores various syllabic structures to shape the poems. For example:

    1. What is a hundred      (6 syllables)

    2. years to a mind       (5 syllables)

    3. that reads paper      (6 syllables)

    4. ephemeral as shelf    (7 syllables)


    1. Like your dropped     (4 syllables)

    2. new dollar                   (4 syllables)

    3. mountains that sink    (6 syllables)

    4. with each swing          (5 syllables)

These examples illustrate how Rettberg plays with syllable counts to create rhythmic patterns and control the flow of the poems.

2. Rhyme schemes: "The Frequency" also incorporates rhyme schemes, adding a melodic quality to the generated poems. Here are a couple of examples of rhyme schemes from "The Frequency":

For example:

    Stanza 1:

    1. Is there a disguise   (A)

    2. in aching glass        (B)

    3. slippers, a passage (A)

    Stanza 2:

    4. to a different life?    (A)

    5. In every ending,        (B)

    6. is there an epigraph (A)


    1. correo de historia   (A)

    2. la sal                 (B)

    3. con salsa verde.    (A)

    4. corona                (B)

    5. cenizo sin queso. (A)

These examples demonstrate different rhyme schemes, denoted by letters. The patterns vary, such as AABB, ABAB, or AAA, providing distinct tonal and rhythmic effects.


The Frequency Project, inspired by Oulipo's constraints, aims to create a cohesive narrative through constrained writing. It includes a poetry generator and a forthcoming novel. The novel incorporates Flickr tags and Creative Commons licensed photos, alongside a sequence of commonly used English words.

Key aspects of The Frequency Project:

1. Coherent narrative through constrained writing.

2. Hypertext format for multiple reading experiences.

3. Exploring the idea of collective consciousness reflected in the text.

4. Creative Commons licensing, encouraging remixing of the work.

5. Integration of separate yet related poetry project.

6. Atomistic fiction, combining distinct narrative moments.

7. Adaptability to different platforms, including blogs, poetry generator, hypertext, and print books.

8. Anticipated release of the first part of the novel at e-Poetry festival in Barcelona.

Щеголев Максим POM 21

The Frequency Project, by Scott Rettberg, is a collaborative literary experiment that explores the possibilities of writing within digital networks. The main principles of this project can be summarized as follows:

1.    Collective creation: The Frequency Project emphasizes collaboration and collective creation.

2.    Distributed authorship: The project challenges the traditional concept of authorship by allowing multiple authors to contribute to a single work.

3.    Open access: The Frequency Project is open to anyone with internet access.

4.    Networked writing: The project explores the unique possibilities of writing in a networked environment.

5.    Experiments with form: The Frequency Project encourages writers to experiment with different forms, structures, and genres.

6.    Iterative development: The project follows an iterative development process, where each new contribution builds upon the work that came before it.

7.    Reader participation: The Frequency Project encourages reader participation and engagement.

8.    Reflection on digital culture: Through its exploration of the possibilities of writing within digital networks, the Frequency Project prompts reflection on the role of technology, digital culture, and the internet in shaping contemporary literature.

The main idea of the Frequency Project by Scott Rettberg is to explore the possibilities of collaborative writing in a networked digital environment. It aims to challenge traditional notions of authorship and create a space for collective creation and participation. The project seeks to embrace diversity, experimentation, and openness by inviting writers from different backgrounds to contribute to a single work. It also reflects on the impact of technology and digital culture on contemporary literature, prompting reflection and engagement from both writers and readers.

By  Agulyarnaya Milena POM-21

What are the main principles of the Frequency generator?

The main principles of the Frequency generator are:

1. Constrained writing. The generator is part of a larger constrained writing project inspired by the Oulipo. It uses various constraints to develop poetry and fiction.

2. Coherent narrative. Despite the obvious constraints, the generator aims to produce a coherent narrative in its generated poems.

3. Hypertext structure. The generator is designed to deliver multiple fragmentary but coherent reading experiences in multiple reading sessions.

4. Collective (un)consciousness. The text derived from commonly used English words and popular tags in order to reflect a collective consciousness or lack of it.

5. Creative Commons fiction. The entire project will be released under a Creative Commons non-commercial attribution license. This allows for remixing and encourages others to engage with the work.

7. Multi-platform delivery. The work is intended to be delivered in different ways and on different platforms.

The main idea of the project:

The main idea of the Frequency Project is to explore constrained writing practices by creating a coherent narrative using various constraints. It also explores the concept of collective consciousness by incorporating commonly used words and tags from photographs.

 By Stenina S., POm-21